Nowadays it seems like you can find the answer to any question you might have with just a quick internet search. While in many cases that may be true, it can actually lead to more harm than good when it comes to medical issues. This has been found to be particularly true when it comes to breast implant illness.
What is Breast Implant Illness?
Breast implant illness (BII) is said to involve myriad autoimmune issues. BII is more common in women who have a family history of autoimmune conditions so it is hard to attribute those issues directly to the implants. Symptoms of BII can include brain fog, joint pain, fever, and fatigue. Some women have reported those symptoms improving after their implants were removed but other women have also not seen a change in symptoms after removal. This condition requires more study to have a definitive answer.
Normal Post-surgery Symptoms
It’s normal to experience pain, mild bruising, and swelling following a breast augmentation surgery. It’s also normal to feel tired and need lots of rest in the first couple of days. You may feel tightness in your chest while your skin adjusts to your new implants, this is also normal. Make sure you are following your surgeon’s post-operation recovery instructions to ensure you are healing correctly.
What to Do
According to the FDA, the risks of complications or adverse outcomes due to breast implants is around 1%. The likelihood of you experiencing serious issues following your breast augmentation procedure is very low. However, if you are experiencing symptoms that seem out of the ordinary, always contact your doctor instead of relying on information online. Your doctor is aware of your medical history as well as the exact perimeters of the surgery you just went through. People on the internet are not. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding these symptoms and will work with you to figure them out.
If you’ve undergone any procedure here by Dr. Yates, never hesitate to reach out if you feel something is off or wrong. We are dedicated to our patients and making sure they receive the best care. Call our office at 801.525.8741 if you have any questions or concerns.