Where to place the scar in breast augmentation?

breast-augmentation Patient question:

Hi Dr. Yates, You do great work. What incision you prefer and why? Do you think periareolar incision has a higher chance of loosing nipple sensitivity? I saw most of your example are crease incision. Please also advise the BA fee, saline & silicone. Thank you.

Dr. Yates Reply:

Personally, I think of the three major decisions: 1) type of implant, 2) size of implant, and 3) location of scar, that the scar location is by far the least important.  As I am sure you have read I do not prefer the armpit or belly button incisions for their lack of accuracy, leaving the periareolar and crease incisions.  I used to believe that the periareolar incision had the opportunity to hide better because of the anatomic boundary between nipple and skin that you could hide the scar.  I think the crease is even a better anatomic boundary.  However, If the crease incision starts at the crease it usually ends up a little above it on the breast which is not desired.   It does take some skill and experience to allow the final scar to END UP at the crease.

Yes there is a slightly higher risk of issues with nipple sensitivity and also breast feeding with the periareolar incision.

The cost of breast augmentation in my office is $4100 for saline and $5200 for silicone.   My fee has not changed substantially in 6 years and it will likely increase at the first of the year when I audit my fee schedules.

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