- This author of all of the content within this site is Dr. York Yates, a board certified plastic surgeon. The intended mission of this site is to provide comprehensive plastic surgery information to patients considering plastic surgery. Although the accuracy of this information is thoroughly researched and accurate to the best of our knowledge, there are no absolute guarantees regarding its’ accuracy.
- Any information collected by our website, such as email address, will never be passed on to any third party, unless required by law
- Dr. Yates has no financial conflicts and there is no external funding or advertising on this site.
- Photos – written consent has been obtained for all patient photos that have been posted.
- Blog
- The site is moderated for content on a weekly basis, although only spam, inappropriate or inflammatory content would be declined.
- Inflammatory or inappropriate platform users may be banned without notice
- All other (other than Dr. Yates) users are by default considered as non-medical professionals
- platform users and moderators must behave at all times with respect and honesty.
- All blog comments are visible to every other user of the site.
- Blog comments can be erased or modified at the request of the author to the administrator
- Blog users must post information that is factual to the best of their knowledge
- Website links may be included with comments. Banners and advertising will be considered spam and not allowed.
- The information provided on this site and on the blog is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician.